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George Forbes House is located in the city of Queanbeyan, boasting sweeping views of the surrounding countryside and offers easy access to the nation’s capital.

You will enjoy peaceful, spacious grounds, and quaint courtyards where you can relax with friends and family. We also have an aviary and fishpond adding to the tranquil atmosphere. 

85 generously sized rooms

Providing plenty of natural light

Ample storage space

Built-in wardrobes with an en-suite bathroom.

Two wings are dedicated to top-quality dementia care within a secure environment.

Life at George Forbes House has never worked around an itinerary; it works around you.


Nursing home features

  • Medium home (85 beds)
  • Considers partners without an ACAT assessment
  • Specialist services: Access to physiotherapy, massage therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, social work, podiatry, GP visits, allied health & dentistry

Types of care


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