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The Bethanie South Perth Centre provides great opportunities to meet new friends and participate in a range of engaging events and activities.

Situated on Coode Street in South Perth, the centre maintains a focus on general and social wellbeing and keeping connected with others in your community.

To achieve this, our Social Centres focus on your individual strengths and interests, and offer fun and flexible services in a safe, friendly and supportive environment.

  • Activity that promotes leisure and encourages community participation and contribution.  
  • Health Promotion to maintain and improve your health and independence.
  • Social Engagement including engaging outings and events.
  • Therapy provided in small groups or 1:1 to improve your well-being.

From participating in a range of engaging events and activities, to enriching your mind listening to a guest speaker, or learning to connect with your grandkids on social media, our Living Well Centres provide great opportunities to meet new friends.

We provide transport to and from the Centre from the local area, as well as meals and refreshments. And if you are caring for someone, we’ll support you both, to enjoy meaningful time, activity and engagement with others.

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