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Aged Care Homes
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Health service features

Additional details: In home services only

In home care features

Types of care

Additional details: We offer a telehealth model to our clients. So they can choose their preferred service suppliers.

Home care package (HCP)

Types of care


Servicing the following LGAs / council districts

Break O'Day, Brighton, Burnie, Central Coast (TAS), Central Highlands (TAS), Circular Head, Clarence, Derwent Valley, Devonport, Dorset, Flinders (TAS), George Town, Glamorgan-Spring Bay, Glenorchy, Hobart, Huon Valley, Kentish, King Island, Kingborough, Latrobe (TAS), Launceston, Meander Valley, Northern Midlands, Sorell, Southern Midlands, Tasman, Waratah-Wynyard, West Coast and West Tamar


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