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Bolton Clarke Brentwood, Parramatta logo
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Bolton Clarke Brentwood, Parramatta

Provided by Bolton Clarke


Located conveniently in the heart of Parramatta, Brentwood Aged Care is renowned for its welcoming, family orientated atmosphere and personalised service approach.

Bright, homely and understated, Brentwood’s offers comfortable single and companion rooms with gracious windows overlooking open gardens and parklands. The recent redesign of our limited number of bright companion bedrooms, grants our residents the freedom of more personal space. This allows you to have more privacy to enjoy activities such as some quiet reading, whilst maintaining the pleasure of good company. It’s no secret that companionship and making new friends are key to a smooth transition into your new Home.

We offer all levels of permanent, respite and palliative care whilst encouraging independence and lifestyle choices that suit the needs of every individual.

For more information or to book a personalised tour, contact us at BrentwoodRAC@boltonclarke.com.au

Nursing home features

  • Medium home (78 beds)
  • Specialist services: Dietician, Geriatrician, Outreach Service, Occupational Therapy

Types of care


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