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A sense of calm and safety greets you at Fatima Court with courtyard gardens offering plenty of space to relax. This close-knit retirement community of 12 spacious modern self-contained units provides independence along with many opportunities to connect with your community. A modern recreation centre provides the perfect hub for connections to grow with your like-minded neighbours, family, and friends. A leisurely 500 metre walk will place you at local shops and transport routes. From Miranda Shopping Centre at one end to Lilli Pilli’s peaceful parklands on the other there is plenty to explore.

You’ll have more time for the things you love just like resident Michelle: “Living here has made me the happiest I’ve ever been, it’s my paradise.”

Michelle moved into Fatima Court when she had just turned 60, and her only regret is that she didn’t do it sooner.

“You retire from work, but you don’t retire from life, there is so much going on here, you can do as little or as much as you want....it really is just the beginning,” she smiled.

“We have such a strong sense of community here which is lovely, nobody ever needs to be lonely." 

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