The role of advocacy in aged care
Most of the time aged care services work well and the people who use them are happy with the service they receive. However, sometimes there is a problem, and you may need help to speak up and have the problem resolved.

It is important to address your concerns and not leaving them escalate (Source: Shutterstock)
Key points:
- Advocacy services can assist with complaints or difficult situations with providers
- All consumers are protected by the Charter of Aged Care Rights
- There are free advocacy services available through the Older Persons Advocacy Network
Raising a complaint to your provider can sometimes be scary or you may find that your provider isn’t listening. In these cases, engaging an advocacy service can really assist in making the process easier and making sure your voice is being heard.
Supporting the rights of older people
Many people feel uncomfortable raising a complaint or concern, but it is important to have your concerns addressed as soon as you can and not leave it to escalate.
This can be particularly difficult if your complaint is about care or services that you are dependent upon for meeting your most basic needs.
Nevertheless, we live in a society where each and every one of us, regardless of our age, has rights as citizens and individuals, especially for accessing adequate care and supports.
Your rights in aged care
The Charter of Aged Care Rights came into effect in July 2019, replacing the former Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities.
This new Charter aims to cover all consumers of aged care services, making sure older Australians receive quality care and services from their providers.
The Charter of Aged Care Rights consists of 14 rights:
- Access to safe and high-quality care and services
- To be treated with dignity and respect
- Have your identity, culture and diversity valued and supported
- Live without abuse and neglect
- Be informed about my care and services in a way you understand
- Able to access all information about yourself, including information about your rights, care, and services
- Have control over and make choices about your care, and personal and social life, including where the choices involve personal risk
- Have control over, and make decisions about, the personal aspects of your daily life, financial affairs, and possessions
- Your independence
- Be listened to and understood
- Have a person of your choice, including an aged care advocate, support your or speak on your behalf
- Complain free from reprisal and to have your complaints dealt with fairly and promptly
- Personal privacy and to have your personal information protected
- Exercise your rights without it adversely affecting the way you am treated
Your aged care provider must provide you with a copy of the Charter upon entry to a facility, which you sign if you want to, but it is not mandatory.
You can also request a copy of the Charter of Aged Care Rights at any time during your stay.
To learn more about the Charter of Aged Care Rights, read this article, ‘Your rights in aged care‘.
Help and support
If you feel unsure or unable to address your concerns yourself with the service provider, you can ask an advocacy service to help you.
An advocate can give information, advice, and support you to express your concerns or even speak on your behalf. They will aim to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
An advocate can help you:
- understand your rights and responsibilities;
- listen to your concerns;
- discuss your options for addressing a concern;
- raise a concern with the service provider or speak on your behalf; and
- mediate a resolution with your provider.
Advice given by an advocate is generally provided on consumer rights, human rights, financial exploitation, substitute decision-making, and elder abuse.
You can learn more about aged care advocates in this article: What is an aged care advocate?
How to find help
The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) provides free and independent advocacy services in every State and Territory, including free telephone advice, community education, and other assistance for older persons throughout Australia.
All advocacy services ensure the needs of people from culturally diverse backgrounds are met through culturally appropriate services and can organise interpreters where necessary.
If you receive government-funded home care or aged care services, you can access independent and free advocacy services through the National Aged Care Advocacy Program, which is run by OPAN.
Contact the National Aged Care Advocacy Line on 1800 700 600, or search for an aged care advocate or advocacy service near you on
How has an advocacy service assisted you?
Let the team at Talking Aged Care know on social media.
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Related content:
What is an aged care advocate?
Your rights in aged care
What about complaints?
- Your Journey:
- The role of advocacy in aged care