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The hair-dos and don’ts of hair dye

If your hair is salt and peppery, here’s your guide to spice it up.

Colour me impressed! Hair salons and stylists can achieve some amazing looks with years of industry experience, but is it worth the money? [Source: Shutterstock]

Colour me impressed! Hair salons and stylists can achieve some amazing looks with years of industry experience, but is it worth the money? [Source: Shutterstock]

Key points:

  • It is always important to do a strand-test, whether it is for a box dye or if you are having your hair done at the salon
  • Consider a temporary or semi-permanent hair dye if you are unsure about committing to the look
  • It is currently quite popular for younger people to dye their hair silver, so consider rocking the natural look and embracing the ageing journey


This edition of Aged Care Guide will brighten your day with the pretty palate meant to turn grey hairs back to your youthful shade. This article covers all you need to know about box hair dyes, salon styles and whether it’s worth the cost to pay a professional.

Box dye

Going to a dedicated hair salon and spending the extra money will save you the stress, mess and distress of dying your hair for the first time using a prepackaged solution. In the same way that the colour will stain your hair, it will likely stain the clothes you are wearing, the room around you and the skin around your scalp. If you do not wear glove protection, you may also find yourself caught red-handed after trying to turn a shade of auburn.

If you decide to colour your hair using a box dye, it is important to read and follow the instructions closely, wearing clothes you don’t mind getting dirty and taking all safety precautions to protect your skin.

Upon mixing the chemicals in the box, the solution may be hazardous to inhale or leave exposed in a poorly ventilated room, which means that you should try to avoid having any pets or children in the room as you apply the mixture.

When you have followed the instructions and have the well blended dye, it’s time to perform a strand test. A strand test is exactly what it sounds like — take a strand of hair and apply the colour on a small section which you are willing to sacrifice and cut off if the colour isn’t what you wanted. A strand test also helps to determine any sort of skin sensitivity or irritation which may be magnified when applied to the full length of your hair.

Much like blending paint colours together with a brush, different colours will impact the resulting mix — so, dying black hair a bright shade will not result in a bright colour unless chemically treated first. Similarly, your shade of hair may impact the final result of your dye-job.

Follow existing directions to wash your hair after waiting the recommended time for your shade or immediately, in case you begin to feel irritation. Ensure that you dispose of any remaining product in a safe and secure manner.

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Hair salons

Hair salons can cost anywhere from five – 20-times more than off-the-counter hair dye, but the added benefits ensure that your hair is consistent, bright, healthy and will be much closer to the shade you’re after. If you have already dyed your hair and you are looking to dye over it, make sure to inform your stylist of the dye you have used or grow out your hair before using another box dye.

Experts recommend opting for a colourist if you have more than 50 percent grey hair coverage to make sure that the final result is consistent, healthy and takes your existing tone into account. Salons use personalised colour blends to suit each customer, rather than a general ‘all-purpose’ mix of chemicals which is meant for colour treated ‘base’ hair which can take on most dyes.


Which look will you be looking for next? Let the team at Talking Aged Care know what tone you’d like to glow and we’ll make sure to take your style tips to the next level.


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