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integratedliving Queensland

ID 19369


integratedliving Australia is a leading provider of in-home, community-based aged care, and health services, in regional, rural and remote Australia. 

We are a not-for-profit organisation funded by the government for our work in improving health and independent-living outcomes for our clients.

Our caring employees are locals in their communities. They provide quality, personalised services so people can manage their health and wellbeing needs and stay healthy, active and connected.

To learn more about our services and in-home support, visit www.integratedliving.org.au or call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 782 896.


Home care package (HCP)

Types of care


Additional details: Please enquire to ensure all services are available in your area.

Servicing the following LGAs / council districts

Aurukun, Banana, Brisbane, Bulloo, Bundaberg, Cairns, Carpentaria, Cassowary Coast, Charters Towers, Cherbourg, Croydon, Douglas, Fraser Coast, Gladstone, Goondiwindi, Gympie, Hinchinbrook, Hope Vale, Ipswich, Kowanyama, Livingstone, Lockhart River, Logan, Mackay, Mapoon, Mareeba, Moreton Bay, Murweh, Napranum, Noosa, Palm Island, Quilpie, Richmond, Rockhampton, Somerset, Sunshine Coast, Tablelands, Toowoomba, Torres, Townsville, Weipa, Whitsunday, Woorabinda, Wujal Wujal and Yarrabah

In home care features

Types of care

Additional details: Please enquire to ensure all services are available in your area. Short Term Restorative Care available. Veteran's Home Care funding is only available for nursing services.

Day therapy centre features

Additional details: Wellness Centres in Cairns and Toowoomba.

Health service features

Additional details: Please enquire to ensure all services are available in your area.


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