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Kentish Court is home to 50 residents and offers a variety of care and support options, creating a lovely close-knit atmosphere for residents. The air-conditioned community room, equipped with a kitchenette, and a spacious outdoor gazebo with a BBQ area are the perfect places for residents to spend time and visit with family and friends. Residents have access to the outdoor garden space and can enjoy potting their own plants spending time outdoors, while remaining in a safe environment. All furnishings and common areas are maintained in good condition. On-site at Sinnamon Village, residents have access to a hair salon, day therapy centre and hydrotherapy pool, café, club lounge, chapel, cinema, and library.

Kentish Court is in easy walking distance to the Sinnamon Village shopping hub, whilst Jindalee Golf Club, Homemaker City Jindalee and DFO are easily accessible. There is a public bus stop within the Sinnamon Village grounds for convenient access to Brisbane and the surrounding areas.

Enquire today on 1800 448 448.


Nursing home features

  • Medium home (51 beds)
  • Specialist services: Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, speech pathology, diversional therapy

Types of care

Additional details: General Practitioner and club lounge on site. Eden Alternative.

Cultural environments

  • CALD


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