With CatholicCare Home Care Services, we are ready to support you when that moment comes so that, ultimately, you can live your life on your terms.
CatholicCare Sydney offers an extensive range of services for you to remain happy in your home and live a life of quality and enjoyment. No matter who you are, life has moments when we all need someone to turn to for help. We are ready to support you when that moment comes so that, ultimately, you can live your life on your terms.
We are proud of our team who have the knowledge and experience to support you with:
Our fees are competitive and benchmarked against the industry.
For a detailed breakdown of service charges, please download our schedule of fees, effective from January 2025.
If you are looking for our Private Fee Schedule, please click here to download.
We are committed to working with you to identify your needs and find the best ways to support you. See below for a range of services available to you in your home care package.
“My mother’s carer is an absolute delight; she provides support for shopping every Thursday. I am very happy with the services she receives.” - Jeremy
“I cannot express how wonderful my carer is, she does more than just tick the boxes, she is highly competent, well mannered and polite during visits and over the phone.” - Michelle
Our Home Care team is ready to guide you through the process of securing a Home Care Package and accessing support. Don’t delay, call us on 13 18 19 or complete the form now to plan for your future.
Thanks for contacting CatholicCare's Home Care Services FIRSTNAME.
A member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need support, in the meantime, please call our Client Care Team (between 8:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri) on 13 18 19 and quote your reference number: TICKET