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Parklands was established in 2011 to cater for residents on the Fraser Coast QLD and is located in a scenic area by the Urangan Street Reserve, within close proximity to the breathtaking beach and Urangan Pier.

Parklands Aged Care consists of 72 spacious, fully furnished rooms. Amenities include a café, library and hair dressing salon so our residents can enjoy a bit of relaxation and pampering.

The facility is centered on two lovely courtyards with beautiful gardens and community seating areas. Along with four lounge rooms, there is plenty of space for family visits.

We have highly skilled and experienced clinical and non-clinical staff working around the clock to provide the very best care for residents.

Types of care:

Permanent care

Palliative care

Dementia care

Non-dedicated respite care

Call Parklands Aged Care to arrange a tour.

Nursing home features

  • Medium home (72 beds)
  • Specialist services: Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, speech pathology, dietician

Types of care


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