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Semaphore Residential Care Centre is a 46 bed high level care facility, located on the Esplanade at Semaphore, where residents can experience the picturesque coast line; irresistible spirit of the beaches and cool, ocean breezes complemented by a range of vibrant restaurants, hotels, cinema and shops. A large return veranda and courtyard offer unlimited views of the coastline and beach side activities. Residents can also enjoy walks along the beachfront and BBQs at the local parks.

Accommodation is offered in spacious single and twin rooms, with quality décor throughout. There are dining facilities and three separate lounge areas catering for large groups and smaller intimate gatherings. There is a secure unit catering for people with dementia included within the facility. This provides special lifestyle programs.

All rooms have reverse cycle air conditioning with individual Resident controls and extensive safety flooring. Services offered include a varied menu, and a diverse activity program which runs seven days a week. Physiotherapy & podiatry are also provided.

When entering any Rosha facility, you can look forward to enjoying a pampered lifestyle in good company, with great comfort and professional support.

Nursing home features

  • Small home (46 beds)
  • Considers partners without an ACAT assessment

Types of care


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