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A head start for career in aged care

A number of Gold Coast high school students have experienced first hand what it is like to care for residents in aged care during Ozcare’s Health Inspiration Day.

<p>A  school based traineeshipis giving students a head start for a career in aged care </p>

A school based traineeshipis giving students a head start for a career in aged care

The Queensland care provider has teamed up with the Department of Education and Training and the Health Pathways Alliance Queensland in an initiative to introduce students to careers and nursing pathways in aged care through information days held at three of its facilities on the Gold Coast.

The Health Inspiration Days give students the opportunity to learn about careers in aged care, tour the facilities and chat with residents. They discovered life in a facility is busier than they expected and many were pleasantly surprised by aged care.

Nine students signed up for a school based traineeship and Ozcare’s senior advisor of learning and development Sharon Duffy says it is important to encourage younger generations to consider a career in aged care.

“Aged care is one the fastest growing industries in Australia.

“It is essential we support our industry by marketing it as a viable career option. We need to meet the needs of our local community now and ensure that in 20 years time we don’t face a skill shortage,” Ms Duffy says.

According to Barry Dowling, senior skills development officer for the Department of Education and Training, it’s a head start for students wanting a career in the health industry.

“These students have had to go through a number of steps to achieve these school based traineeships, they are the best of the best,” Mr Dowling says.

“It is a wonderful pathway that Ozcare has been able to give and it means that these students will be miles ahead by the time they reach university. They will be armed with invaluable knowledge and skills from their experience working in an aged care setting.”

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