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Aged care plans still have some way to go

Quacksie the pet therapy duck may have stolen some of the media spotlight from Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, last Sunday as he announced the Coalition’s aged care plans but the director of UnitingCare Ageing, Gillian McFee, says that both parties have more work to do around the aged care sector and older Australians.
UnitingCare Ageing’s Mayflower Gerringong, is where Mr Abbott declared the Coalition’s intentions.

Ms McFee said announcements around aged care were welcome however there needed to be more focus on long-term sustainability and action.
Commenting on Mr Abbott’s announcement, Ms McFee said, “This does acknowledge that there is a capital funding problem and an issue with the adequacy around indexation.
“While this is a welcome response to some industry concerns, the Coalition’s proposed initiatives do not really take a long-term view of the sustainability of our sector nor provide much encouraging news around community care.
“UnitingCare Ageing is a supporter of The Grand Plan which advocates that older Australians should be able to choose how and where they want to live, well supported by affordable care as needed.
“It’s crucial that Australia focuses on what’s needed to meet the demands of our ageing population, not just for our current generations of older people, but so we can meet future needs as well,” she said.
“People can help by visiting The Grand Plan website and sending postcards to their local MP and uploading stories about the special older people in their lives.
“We will certainly continue to progress dialogue with both major parties in the lead up to the election to ensure aged care continues to be front of mind.”

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