Discussing death and dying
A pilot of the new ‘Discussing Death and Dying’ module of the Victorian Cancer Clinicians Communication Program (VCCCP) was recently held at the Cancer Council, training eight new facilitators to deliver the module in health organisations across Victoria.
A pilot of the new ‘Discussing Death and Dying’ module of the Victorian Cancer Clinicians Communication Program (VCCCP) was recently held at the Cancer Council, training eight new facilitators to deliver the module in health organisations across Victoria.
The new module is designed specifically to enhance the communication skills of clinicians when discussing death, dying and related issues with those affected by cancer, their families and friends.
The module will be the first of the VCCCP to move online, allowing facilitators access to resources and upcoming events via a personalised log in.
A total of 507 health professionals attended communication skills training at organisations across Victoria last year, run by facilitators trained through the VCCCP at Cancer Council Victoria.
As part of the program, clinicians are given the opportunity to practice their communication skills in a role play scenario with a professionally trained actor, allowing them to practice new lines and techniques in a safe environment.
The ‘Discussing Death and Dying’ training held earlier this month was described as a huge success, with the facilitators recognising the significance of training health professionals to improve their skills in these areas.
Plans have already been made to begin running the module in health organisations across the state.
For more information on the VCCCP program, contact project officer, Sheree Lette on (03) 9635 5276 or email vcccp@cancervic.org.au