More transition care for Queenslanders
Older Queenslanders will receive additional support following a hospital stay under new funding by the Australian and Queensland Governments.
Minister for Ageing, Senator Santo Santoro, and the Queensland Minister for Health, Stephen Robertson, have announced $13 million for a further 167 Transition Care places.
Transition Care is a new model of care to help older people return home after a hospital stay.
“The additional places will bring the total number available in Queensland to 273,” said Senator Santoro.
“This is part of the Australian Government's commitment to establish 2,000 new transition care places nationally over three years after pilot programs showed that such care can improve the quality of life and independence of many older people who have been hospitalised.
“Transition Care provides short-term support and therapies to help older Australians to become confident enough to return home where possible, with the support of in-home care if necessary.”
Mr Robertson said the program would give older Queenslanders an opportunity to improve, recover or regain their functional capacity after an illness or operation.
“This new allocation of transition care places will help an even greater number of older Queenslanders to return home after a hospital stay and avoid early admission to residential aged care,” he said.
Transition Care would be provided through a partnership between Queensland Health and a range of non-government organisations, explained Mr Robertson. It offered eligible older people services such as nursing support; low intensity therapy or rehabilitation such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy; personal care; medical support; and case management including developing community supports and services.