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NSW positive living in Aged Care Awards winners

The Positive Living in Aged Care Awards were presented at a full day seminar to showcase the finalists in Sydney.

These awards are funded by NSW Health through the NSW Older People’s Mental Health Workgroup and supported by both peak body organisations ACS NSW & ACT and ACAA-NSW.

There were three awards categories with a winner and runner up in each of the categories. Winners received a $10,000 prize and runners up $5,000.

The finalists in each category were:

Category 1: Targeted strategy/ies – to improve outcomes for residents with a mental health diagnosis.
Winner: Southwood Hammond Care   Southwood Special Care Program.
Runner up: Amity Grand at Dural, Amity Group       Dance Play – A lifestyle program that reduces depression in residential aged care.
Category 2: Universal strategy/ies – to promote the mental health and wellbeing of residents by increasing protective factors and reducing the risk of the development of symptoms of a mental health condition.
Winner:  George Forbes House, Baptist Community Care The “RESPECT” approach to caring for people living with dementia.
Runner up: Nunyara Residential Aged Care Facility, UnitingCare Ageing        Spiritual Reminiscence Groups.
Category 3: Selective strategy/ies – to promote maintenance and/or improvement of the mental health and wellbeing of residents with special needs. (Special needs groups may include veterans, people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities).
Winner:  Charles Chamber Court, Mission Australia.
Runner up:   Imlay House, Pembula. Grow old along with me – The best is yet to be.

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