Older Victorians speak up
Older Victorians have trouble finding the information they need when moving into a retirement village or aged care, according to a new report from the state’s Ministerial Advisory Council of Senior Victorians.
The Seniors Speak Up! Report was based on over 30 group consultations with more than 1,400 senior Victorians, and 270 written submissions from seniors and their representatives between May and July, 2008.
According to the report, the high amount of information available online is a hindrance to many older people who do not have access to the latest technology.
“The internet is good if you are able to use the technology,” one regional participant commented.
The report uncovered a strong demand for government information for seniors in the popular free media, such as local newspapers, radio and ethnic media.
More consistent than any other concern though were issues with mobility, transport and independence.
There was particular interest in more flexible medical transport for consumers with medical appointments.
Other key themes identified by the report include access to appropriate housing and wellbeing.
The report was welcomed by Aged and Community Care Victoria, which said it should serve as the catalyst for an aged care ‘road map’.
The DPS Guide to Aged Care, published for each state, provides valuable information and a ‘road map’ for the elderly requiring home care, respite, residential care and retirement options. For further information phone 1300 186 688.