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Proving age is no barrier: 75 year old takes on MegaJump

At age 75, Akhter Rahman has become the oldest person to take on the MegaJump at Mega Adventure Aerial Park in South Australia recently.

<p>Akhter Rahman (75) is the oldest person to have completed the MegaJump at Mega Adventure Aerial Park </p>

Akhter Rahman (75) is the oldest person to have completed the MegaJump at Mega Adventure Aerial Park

Ms Rahman took on the challenge as part of the 10 Dares Challenge, an initiative of ACH Group’s Exchange over 50’s membership network program. The Challenge encourages members to step outside their comfort zone by completing 10 activities that are challenging or different. These activities can be as simple as trying an obscure new food or as confronting as facing a fear. Ms Rahman, however, decided to take on the MegaJump at Mega Adventure Aerial Park.

The MegaJump involves an 18 metre free fall jump from an elevated platform, with the participant fitted in a harness to ensure their safety.

Ms Rahman also tackled the ‘MegaBounce’ trampoline, where she was also strapped into a harness and projected approximately eight metres up into the air.

“I was pretty nervous, but it was great, just amazing!” says Ms Rahman. “I wanted to challenge myself to do something new. There are so many benefits for your body and your brain.”

Co-design Manager from The Exchange Fiona Telford-Sharp says the Challenge is aimed at encouraging people to do something new or different that keeps them growing, learning and reinventing.

“It’s about stepping outside your comfort zone and putting your hand up for something new and exciting.

“Just because you have reached a certain age doesn’t mean you have to give up trying new things and challenging yourself in different ways.”

Ms Rahman is only one of many elderly residents who has proved that age is no barrier in life. The oldest person to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge is Mrs Chris Muller, who at the time of the climb was aged 100 years old. The most frequent climber (who has climbed the bridge 41 times so far) is an 84 year old man from Sydney.

101 year old Irene O’Shea was also very recently announced to have broken the world record as the oldest person to skydive , whose jump raised money for Motor Neurone Disease.

Dares that are completed for the 10 Dares Challenge will be showcased at the ‘10 Days 10 Dares’ event at Open State Festival on October 8. Further information can be found here.

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