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SA campaign to stop Elder Abuse

South Australia has a new elder abuse prevention website and phone line to help people recognise the signs of elder abuse and know where to go for support and information.

Office for the Ageing, part of SA Health, has launched a media campaign to safeguard the rights of older people and increase awareness of elder abuse in the South Australian community.

Around one in 20 older Australians experiences some form of abuse from someone they trust, who is often a member of their own family. This abuse can be financial, emotional, physical and even sexual.

Over the past five years, elder abuse has most commonly included financial and emotional abuse, and in 80 percent of cases the abuse was carried out by a family member.

Elder abuse can often go unnoticed, especially when there is increasing frailty and physical or mental decline. Elder abuse can be a hidden problem as it happens in the relationships where it is least expected to occur.

The South Australian Stop Elder Abuse campaign aims to give the community a clear understanding of the rights of older people and how these rights can be protected.

The states peak body for not-for-profit aged care providers, Aged & Community Services SA & NT (ACS), welcomes the launch of the public awareness campaign.

Carolanne Barkla, acting chief executive officer commented of ACS SA & NT says, “Older people are entitled to enjoy the same rights as all members of the community. However, sometimes elder abuse may occur and be observed but people do not know how to address it.

“The launch of the South Australian Elder Abuse Phone Line and the awareness campaign is a great step forward in helping to put an end to elder abuse.

“I urge the community to become informed about what elder abuse is so they can recognise the signs and understand how the rights of older people can be protected,” Ms Barkla says.

For more information about the public awareness campaign visit the SA Health website or call the South Australian Elder Abuse Prevention Phone Line on 1800 372 310.

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