Take a ‘virtual tour’ of aged care
Future aged care and retirement village residents can now take a ‘virtual tour’ via the internet before choosing the accommodation they wish to reside in following the launch of the new Fusion Virtual Tours by Virtual itour.
Future aged care and retirement village residents can now take a ‘virtual tour’ via the internet before choosing the accommodation they wish to reside in following the launch of the new Fusion Virtual Tours by Virtual itour.
The new technology means that potential aged care and retirement village residents and family can view several facilities in their entirety, right from the comfort of their own home.
Adelaide based Virtual itour Director, Greg Cust, tells DPS News more facilities are realising the benefits and taking full advantage of the convenient and affordable Virtual itours.
Endorsed by the DPS Guide as a provider of virtual tour technology and specialists in providing aged care and retirement living virtual tours Australia wide, Mr Cust claims of the South Australians in the 50 to 64 age group, 83% now use personal computers and are embracing the new technology.
The itour allows people to search for aged care facilities online and see what the facilities look like through a modern virtual tour presentation, which according to Mr Cust, is the easiest, time saving and most cost effective way to find the most appropriate and comfortable accommodation.
“This means that a facility can now directly show potential residents or their families the entire facility online, rather than relying on them to come to the facility initially,during the research phase,” Mr Cust says.
The fully interactive virtual tours feature:
- advanced colour 2D and 3D floor plan designs;
- voice overs and MP3 music files;
- HD images and advanced slide show presentation;
- maps and satellite location;
- photography;
- brochures and facility branding; and
- the ability to email the virtual tour directly to recipients, as well as the capability to view the tours via the Apple iPad and iPhone.
Virtual itour will also send weekly statistics to track the huge increase in residential aged care and retirement living enquiries.
The tour is shot in High Definition allowing the viewer full screen viewing capability on any mobile device or computer.
On completion, the tour will be provided to facilities usually within 48 hours, who can then easily attach it to their website, such as Strathalbyn’s Falling Waters facility at www.padman.com.au.
As a special offer, DPS Guide will host and promote any Virtual itour production free of charge for existing customers with a full DPS profile at www.AgedCareGuide.com.au, as well as having the virtual tour appear on the facilities own website.
For more information, contact Greg Cust at Virtual itour on (08) 8258 9785 or 0411 73 66 55, or email agedcare@virtualitour.com.au
Take a virtual tour of Strathalbyn’s Falling Waters facility, or for more itour examples visit the Virtual itour website.