TriCare reducing cost of aged care
A Queensland aged care home is reducing the cost of care by discounting the basic daily fee for new admissions.

Family owned and operated TriCare Pt Vernon Aged Care Residence only charges 50 percent of the standard Age Pension or $28.39 a day, instead of the maximum 85 percent which currently equates to $48.25 per day.
The reduction saves residents more than $7,200 per year and is offered for the complete duration of their time at TriCare Pt Vernon.
The basic daily fee is the amount aged care providers can ask every resident to contribute toward the cost of their care. The fee can be no more than 85 percent of the aged pension. Aged care operator Tricare decided to reduce this amount to meet the needs of older people in the area.
Facility Manager Lisa Boase says: “there are a lot of people in the community who have rent or other expenses to clear and they rely on the pension as their only income.
“By reducing this fee it helps them clear their debts and we still provide all the same care and inclusions. We don’t discriminate, this offer applies to all new admissions before 30th April 2016 on a permanent basis or short term respite, for the duration of their time in care.”
Contact TriCare Pt Vernon Aged Care Residence on (07) 4303 2700 or visit for more information.