Waist measurements can check cancer risk
New Australian research involving over 40,000 Victorians has found a direct link between waist measurement and cancer risk.
The research, conducted by The Cancer Council Victoria, reveals a waist measurement of over 100cm for men, and over 85cm for women, can significantly increase the risk of cancer, including breast, bowel and aggressive prostate cancers.
The research focused on several indicators that could potentially influence a person’s cancer risk including body mass index, height and weight, bioimpedance (muscle versus fat analysis), and waist measurement.
The findings were most significant for waist circumference. For example, for men with a waistline over 100cm, risk was found to increase by 72% for colon cancer and 43% for prostate cancer. For women with a waistline over 85cm, risk was found to be 22% higher for breast cancer and 33% higher for colon cancer.
While being overweight has been proved to be a major contributor for many other serious diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, the link to cancer is relatively new.
The Cancer Council has developed an on-line cancer risk assessment tool that enables individuals to establish their cancer risk.
Visit www.cancervic.org.au and go to ‘Calculating Your Risk’ under the ‘Obesity Campaign’ section. Visitors to the site can also request a free information pack and tape measure.