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World’s oldest dad!

An Indian man has reportedly proved you’re never too old for anything – including becoming a dad at the age of 96! Ramajit Raghav, who became the world’s oldest father when his first son was born in 2010, has allegedly broken his own record when his wife gave birth to their second son earlier this month.

An Indian man has reportedly proved you’re never too old for anything – including becoming a dad at the age of 96!

Ramajit Raghav (pictured), who became the world’s oldest father when his first son was born in 2010, has allegedly broken his own record when his wife gave birth to their second son earlier this month.

While Mr Raghav says doctors laughed when he claimed to be the boy’s father, he believes his “healthy lifestyle, eating lots of fruit and dairy products” improved his virility.

“My neighbours are jealous and they keep asking me for my secret, but all I tell them is that it is God’s will,” Mr Raghav said.

The strict vegetarian and former wrestler’s daily diet includes two litres of milk, fresh vegetables and chapattis (Indian flat bread).

Mr Raghav met his wife Shankuntala Devi sitting next to a Muslim shrine 22 years ago when he asked her to come home with him.

“She didn’t have any family or friends around, and I wanted to help her. I took her under my wing and taught her some yoga and we fell in love,” he says.

Their child is healthy and is at home with his parents at their unit on the outskirts of Delhi. The couple aren’t planning to have any more children.

Watch Ramajit Raghav speak about the new addition to his family.

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