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Aged Care Homes
Providers / Vacancies
Service Providers
Care plan
A care plan outlines your care needs, the types of services you will receive to meet those needs, who will provide the services and when. It will be developed by your service provider in consultation with you.
Centre based care
Centre based care offers group activities, excursions and social support in a centre setting for older people who require low to medium living support.
Coded keypad entry / exit
May exist on a secure dementia wing or facility to ensure only those who know a code can enter or exit a facility, ensuring the safety of residents.
Combined RAD/DAP
Part of the accommodation will be payed as a lump sum (RAD) and the remaining part is payed periodically as daily payments (DAP).
Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) is a Government initiative subsidising in home or centre based care services to seniors needing low level assistance to remain living independently in their own home. CHSP is active in all states except Western Australia which use 'HACC funded services'.
Communal facilities
A range of amenities and services for residents, which may include such things as a community hall, bowling green, swimming pool, barbecue area or recreation centre.
Community care packages
Community care packages are collections of essential items and resources provided to individuals or groups within a community to promote wellness, health, and happiness. These packages may include food items, toiletries, clothing, hygiene products, books, games, and other items that can help meet the basic needs of people in the community.
Complementary therapists
Therapies treating the whole person, not just a disease or symptoms. Can include masseuses/masseurs, aromatherapists, acupuncture, naturopathy.
Consider partner without ACAT
These Residential Facilities allow the partner of a resident to live with them in the facility. This is usually in an unfunded bed and the partner will need to enter into a private payment arrangement with the facility.
Consumer Directed Care (CDC)
Consumer Directed Care (CDC) gives people control when making choices about the types of care and services they wish to receive at home. All Home Care Packages (HCP) are offered on a CDC basis.
Couples accommodation
Some aged care facilities have accommodation for couples who wish to remain living together, meaning they won’t need to be separated in different facilities or rooms. The facility may have double or interconnected rooms, specifically designed or able to be converted for use by couples requiring residential care.
Cultural environment
This indicates that the majority of the facility's residents are from one or more ethnic groups or the facility caters specifically for people who are from one or more ethnic groups. Particular dietary requirements may be met, and ethnic traditions observed. The cultural environment does not imply exclusivity and facilities or services should cater for all people regardless of their background.
Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
CALD is the acronym for 'culturally and linguistically diverse'. There are some aged care facilities which offer CALD specific services. They may have staff that speak a foreign language, organise specific cultural activities or meet spiritual needs.
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