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Aged Care Homes
Providers / Vacancies
Service Providers
Total funded beds
The total number of beds available in a facility for which the aged care provider receives Government funding.
Total non-funded beds
The total number of beds offered in Supported Living or Supported Residential Services/Facilities which are not funded by the Government.
Transition care
Transition care provides short-term support for older people after a hospital stay and can be delivered in either a residential or community setting. It is designed to optimise independence of older people to enables them to return home rather than enter residential care.
Transition care beds
These residential aged care facilities provide interim care to older people with care needs who are in the transition between acute hospital care and living back in their home.
Organising or providing transport services such as bus, taxi, private car etc.
Tube feeding
The staff at the residential aged care facility have the specialist knowledge to meet the needs of people who are fed via a nasogastric or PEG tube. Most high-level care facilities offer this service and a few low level care facilities
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