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Thomas Perrott Village| Shelley | Southern Cross Care (WA) logo
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Thomas Perrott Village| Shelley | Southern Cross Care (WA)


Thomas Perrott Village is a picturesque village with sweeping lawns, well maintained gardens, winding pathways & many trees featuring a total of 55 units with either one, two or three bedrooms. This village is conveniently located near the local shopping centre, bowling club and tennis courts in Central Road and Canning River. A bus stop is approximately 200 metres away from the village.

The local shopping centre boasts a seven day a week supermarket store, newsagency, chemist and two restaurants as well as a pizza outlet and hairdressing salon. There is a free weekly bus service to the local shops.

Residents also have access to ad-hoc or occasional on site services including a visiting Doctor, Podiatrist and local Hairdresser. The Allan Aitken Community Centre offers a library and reading room, pool table, large screen audio visual equipment and fully equipped kitchen.

There is always an activity planned at the Village and more often than not, something to suit everyone. Every Wednesday evening, there is a Bingo night. Thursday afternoon has become Ladies afternoon where they play cards, games or maybe do some knitting. The first Friday afternoon in the month is reserved for Happy Hour, whether it's a happy glass of wine or a hot cup of tea, residents can get together and swap stories.

And for something further afield, the Residential Committee organises bus day trips which has in the past, included trips to restaurants or parklands.

Residents also have access to the care in home support services of Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc’s Home Care team, who can assist with ensuring that residents continue to remain independent for as long as they are able. On a user pays basis, The support team provide services to give you a hand around the home, including vacuuming, cleaning, washing and mopping to keep your house looking spick and span. They can also help you with shopping and meal preparation, to keep you eating well and keeping healthy.

Thomas Perrott Village is co-located with a Southern Cross Care residential facility, Joseph Cooke House which provides Village residents with a smooth transition into permanent residential care should the need arise. If a suitable place arises and there is a need for one, residents in the village may be offered first choice.

Village features

  • Offers ILUs/Villas


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