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Home care package (HCP)

Types of care


Additional details: Uniting Communities can cater to specific cultural & language needs wherever possible

Servicing the following LGAs / council districts

Adelaide, Adelaide Hills, Adelaide Plains, Alexandrina, Barossa, Barunga West, Burnside, Campbelltown (SA), Charles Sturt, Cleve, Copper Coast, Franklin Harbour, Gawler, Goyder, Grant, Holdfast Bay, Karoonda East Murray, Kingston (SA), Light, Lower Eyre Peninsula, Marion, Mid Murray, Mitcham, Mount Barker, Mount Gambier, Mount Remarkable, Murray Bridge, Naracoorte Lucindale, Northern Area, Norwood Payneham St Peters, Onkaparinga, Playford, Port Adelaide Enfield, Port Augusta, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Prospect, Salisbury, Tatiara, Tea Tree Gully, The Coorong, Tumby Bay, Unley, Victor Harbor, Wakefield, Walkerville, Wattle Range, West Torrens, Whyalla, Wudinna, Yankalilla and Yorke Peninsula

Cultural environments

  • CALD


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