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What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?
Having important documents in place before you get ill or develop a cognitive disease is vital to make sure your wishes are upheld once you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.
What is an aged care advocate?
If you have any worries, concerns or complaints about aged care services you are receiving, it can be difficult to let your provider know that you feel you are not receiving adequate care and services.
What is an aged care assessment and how does it work
When sorting out your aged care service and facility options for yourself or an older loved one, your first point of call is registering yourself with My Aged Care.
What is decision-making capacity?
Why should Australians learn about decision-making capacity?
What is dementia?
It may begin with forgetting where you left your car keys and eventually lead to potentially dangerous situations such as forgetting to switch off the heater or kitchen stove.
What is elder abuse?
Elder abuse has become an important topic in Australia, however, the prevalence is still unknown and difficult to gauge due to the secret nature of this abuse.
What is holistic care in aged care?
When considering a move into aged care and the types of supports you will receive, you are likely thinking of the care that will be delivered to ensure your health needs are met while living in a nursing home.
What is palliative care for?
There comes a time when a person living with a serious illness requires early intervention palliative care or is approaching the end of their life and may require additional support. This guide covers what you need to know about palliative care and how to get care.
What is the Aged Care Star Rating System?
When choosing a provider for yourself or an older person in your life, you don’t want to choose a facility known for secrecy or incidents caused due to a lack of trained staff — as a result, the Star Rating system is a useful tool for the public to know about.
What is the Community Visitors Scheme?
Older Australians experience high rates of loneliness and social isolation, but there are different initiatives to combat this issue and improve social connectedness and encourage social interaction in the community.
What is the Regional Assessment Service (RAS) for?
If you need to access basic Government-funded in home support under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), you will need to be assessed by the Regional Assessment Service (RAS).
What is the best way to find a good financial planner?
If you need help with organising your finances, you may be looking for the best expert to help you with this job.
What is the most important thing when looking for care?
The most important thing to think about when you are looking for care is whether the care will meet your specific needs or not.
What is the role of a hospital discharge planner?
After recovering from a fall or illness in hospital, you will have to go through the discharge process to get back home and into the community.
What is younger onset dementia?
Dementia has long been considered an “older person” problem, however, that is not always the case. Some Australians are diagnosed with dementia in their 40s, 50s and even as early as their 30s!
What is delirium?
Delirium is a sudden decline in a person’s usual mental function. It occurs when signals in the brain aren’t sending and receiving properly, causing confusion in thinking and altered behaviour or levels of consciousness.
What seniors need to know about the Australian Federal Budget (2023 – ‘24)
This Aged Care Guide to the 2023 – 2024 Australian Budget will offer older Aussies the wins, losses and interesting details which will shape the future of aged care, support and the national economy.
What should I know about home care?
The wide range of support options available to Australians as they age can be difficult to navigate, so this article brings together all the most important things you need to know about home care.
What should you specify in your Advance Care Directive?
An Advance Care Directive (ACD) is an important document that can direct your family, friends and medical professionals in how you wish to receive care when you are dying or not cognitive to give directions.
What to consider before entering aged care as a care leaver
Entering aged care can be a difficult experience for some older people, particularly for those who have historical trauma from being in foster care or other institutional care settings when they were younger.
What to consider when choosing a super fund
It is pretty easy to set and forget about your super – which isn’t always a good thing. You should be checking your superannuation at least once a year to see if it is performing well.